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12 of Southern Africa's most beautiful Sugar- and Sunbirds lovingly illustrated and presented in this new collection poster.


The illustrated A2 posters are printed on premium 200g paper. A beautiful Vintage feel to decorate any space in your home with the added benefit of educating all who sees it. Get birdsmart and allow your children & loved ones to aprreciate the spectacular bird life you can find in the parks and gardens close to you.


Collect more than one set of posters to not only decorate and educate but also rotate all the goodness of getting to know your world.


Although they are sold unframed, I recommend getting the Smartypants Poster Hanger to display them. Designed to save you time and money, these handmade hangers offers a stylish, interchangeable alternative to the costly expense of framing.


All birds are listed with their Scientific, Afrikaans & English names - all you have to do is choose an Afrikaans or English heading.


  • Nectarinia amethystina ♂

Afrikaanse Swartsuikerbekkie African Black Sunbird


  • Nectarinia fusca ♂

Namakwasuikerbekkie Dusky Sunbird


  • Nectarinia chalybea ♂


Lesser Doublecollared Sunbird


  • Nectarinia famosa ♂


Malachite Sunbird


  • Nectarinia talatala ♂


Whitebellied Sunbird


  • Promerops Cafer ♂

Kaapse Suikervoël

Cape Sugarbird


  • Promerops violacea ♂


Orangebreasted Sunbird


  • Nectarinia veroxii ♂♀


Grey Sunbird


  • Nectarinia afra ♂

Groot Rooiborssuikerbekkie

Greater Doublecollared Sunbird


  • Anthreptes collaris ♂


Collared Sunbird


  • Promerops gurneyi ♂♀


Gurney’s Sugarbird

Sugarbirds of South Africa Poster

  • Size: A2 (420 x 594mm)

    Paper: 200gsm Premium paper

Sophia van Taak, Cape Town

“My Smartypants posters have been giving me so much joy, I want to tell everyone about them!"

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