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Our abundant bird life

Here we will have a look at the selection of South African birds that feature on the Smartypants Poster Range. You also have the opportunity to add your favourite birds to the list of upcoming illustrations.


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The Smartypants Poster Range so far

Depending on the size of the birds, each poster shows 6 - 10 individually illustrated birds. So far I've illustrated 40 Garden Birds of SA and the 12 Owl species that you find in South Africa.

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Garden Birds of SA 1

Common Fiscal Shrike

Lesser Doublecollared Sunbird

Cape Sparrow

Southern Masked Weaver

Speckled Mousebird

Cape Robin

Cape White-Eye

Cape Bunting

Laughing Dove

Cape Wagtail

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Garden Birds of SA 4

Redheaded Finch

Cape Batis

Redfaced Mousebird

African Paradise Flycatcher

Orangebreasted Sunbird

Redwinged Starling

Glossy Starling


Rock Pigeon

Brownhooded Kingfisher

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Garden Birds of SA 2

Pintailed Whydah

Redbilled Quelea

Redeyed Dove

African Redeyed Bulbul

Common Waxbill

Greybacked Cisticola

Yellow Canary

Olive Thrush

Malachite Sunbird

Southern Red Bishop

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Owls of SA 1

Spotted Eagle Owl

Pel's Fishing Eagle

African Barred Owl

African Scops Owl

African Grass Owl

Marsh Owl

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Garden Birds of SA 3

Cape Sugarbird

Crested Barbet

Blue Waxbill

Redchested Cuckoo

Cape Weaver

Bronze Mannikin

Feral Pigeon

Suidelike Waterfiskaal

Acacia Pied Barbet

Hadeda Ibis

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Owls of SA 2

Wood Owl

Barn Owl

Whitefaced Owl

Pearlspotted Owl

Giant Eagle Owl

Cape Eagle Owl

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What's next?

Smartypants and its sister Studio CooCoo are obsessed with birds. By using these feathery illustrations I'll be creating a slew of beautifully hand crafted, local this space!

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